
Friday, December 10, 2010

Thanksgiving Belated

A little late, but I need to do this based on the week I'm having. I am thankful for...
  1. My Lord & Savior, His Election, & my faith.
  2. The freedoms that we (still) can practice in this country that others can't in theirs.
  3. Family. I have a wonderful family and in-laws.
  4. The friends I have from college. This week I reflected on how much I cherished that time.
  5. Music.
  6. God's gift of animals. Seriously. Mine has brought me a lot of joy.
  7. Electric blankets.
  8. Wine, dark chocolate, good coffee, pizza, cookie dough.
  9. New life and new growth.
  10. A good snow, oh, how I miss it.
  11. My health.
  12. Fires. Christmas tree-scented candles.
  13. He provides.
  14. Relationships mend.
  15. This is my temporary home.
    Sally D. Fienup